Victoria One Percent Realty
Serving Greater Victoria, from Sooke to Sidney
Full MLS® Service starting at $7950
($9950 for listing $350,000-$900,000)
(1% plus $950 for over $900,000)
Ray Kong, P. Eng, Realtor® and Professional Engineer, has been helping buyers and sellers since 2001. In that time I have had the pleasure of meeting extraordinary people and helping them save tens of thousands of dollars in commissions. I have achieved top 10% in sales among all Victoria Realtors® 2006-2021; MLS® Gold Awards(2006-2021); MLS® Special Gold Award; and MLS® President Award. Real Estate is my passion. I will provide you with honest service and sincere care as you buy or sell your next home.
Over 20 years of helping sellers![](_media/Images/20years.jpg)
One Percent Realty celebrated over 20 years of helping sellers save money on Real Estate commissions since 1998. You want Full Real Estate Service on MLS® from a professional salesperson at a fair commission- that is ONE PERCENT REALTY. We provide you with full real estate service at a flat commission rate of only $7950 for homes under $350,000. $3500 of that $7950 goes to the real estate agent that represents the buyer. $9950 for homes between $400,000-$900,000. Homes over $900,000 are 1% plus $950
Buyer's CASH BACK Up To $6500
Purchase a property listed on MLS®, I'll pay you up to $6500 of my 3% 1st $100k & 1.5% Bal. commission.